pawprint Katz & Dawgs Unlimited

The Best Friend of Charleston at Summerville, South Carolina
(October 28, 2013)

It was on display at Summerville on its way from temporary exhibition in Atlanta
to Charleston for permanent exhibit where it belongs.

The Best Friend of Charleston is a 1920's replica of the first steam engine built in the United States.

The tender.

Two passenger cars were on another flatbed trailer.

Close-up of one of the passenger cars.

The two trucks that hauled the train.

The steel band that entertained the crowd.

South Carolina goodies for sale.

Only one antique car on display, but it was a good one.

The front (of the locomotive).
The end (of the trailer, and of these pictures).

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pawprint Katz & Dawgs Unlimited

. . . October 29, 2013